Hello, From My Heart Campaign
Hello, From My Heart,
We have measurably proven that we can eliminate violent crime.  This is your invitation to participate in a day that can and will change the World. Would you like to live in a happier, healthier, more peaceful community? If we choose to, we can. That’s right, it’s as simple as our choice. Will you demonstrate this as your choice?
Here’s all we have to do:
September 11th - 21st, greet everyone we meet with a smile and the words;
“Hello, From My Heart.”
When we answer the phone, smile and say; “Hello, From My Heart.”
Or when we address an email do so the same way.
It’s that simple, but it takes commitment.
Will you be a hero?
Or, will you wait until someone else says it to you first?
It’s, once again, a matter of choice.
After September 21st we’ll contact the Sheriff’s Departments or other appropriate agencies and obtain crime call statistics for last year and this year and calculate your results.
History tells us that the communities with the greatest amount of participation will demonstrate the greatest reduction in crime. Will your community totally eliminate violent crime?  Results will be posted on this web site.
This year we are expanding our focus to increase participation from the 30 countries and 40 of the United States to a total global representation.
It is our intent that crime statistics will be reported for all counties where we have participants.  We invite you to make the choice. We invite you to be a hero and show the World what we can accomplish with a simple “Hello, From My Heart.”
Kindly click on the Register NOW! button on the left side of this page to begin.
From My Heart,
Gary Schineller, Founder
Hello, From My Heart, Inc.
September 21, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006