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Essay by the Founder about We, The World


Interdependence Declared!
11 Days of Global Unity 2004

Interdependence Day 2003
International Calendar of Events

Join us in celebrating
Our Highlights 2003 - and earlier
and help us make a difference by Getting Involved!

Be part of it!

Learn about our Student-UN Videoconference Series
with speakers including Dr. Jane Goodall and
Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Building Peace and Security in the 21st Century

Videotapes now available from our media panel
with Amy Goodman, Danny Schechter and others:
New Media Making A Difference

We Co-Sponsored this extraordinary Planetwork gathering.
Click below to find out more.

Planetwork - Networking A Sustainable Future

CD Recordings available from our historic
September 11th Teach-in/Speak Out event
with Daniel Ellsberg, Jane Goodall,
Robert Thurman, Amy Goodman and others:
Peace in the 21st Century:
An Imperative for Survival

We, The World - A Way To Unite ALLOur Efforts

A message from Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE
Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute
and United Nations Messenger of Peace

"I support and endorse the mission of We, The World to make sure that individuals and organizations who share a commitment to sustainability can network effectively to achieve their goals."


Internationally coordinated efforts to expand global markets and military operations have resulted in a catastrophic increase in poverty, violence, species destruction, and damage to our environment. This constitutes an ethical and spiritual crisis that transcends national boundaries. To address this, We, The World is committed to a global
strategy that can galvanize people around the world to awareness and action while fostering personal growth and transformation - without which societal change cannot take place.

The mission of We, The World is to awaken a spirit of caring and involvement in the public so that millions of people begin to see themselves as part of one global interdependent community - and actively take part in creating a world that works for all!

Working with an extraordinarily accomplished team, we have begun the process of building an unprecedented critical mass of individuals, organizations and coalitions whose efforts to create a caring world will be highly visible and accessible.

We are beginning by forming global networks of collaboration between groups and individuals involved with: human rights, ecology and animal concerns, peace and nonviolence, creating ethical economic systems, creating cultures of caring, self-sustaining green communities, personal and societal transformation, and many others whose work concerns the interests of literally billions of people and other life on our planet.

We, The World intends to create something the world has not seen before - a large scale, ethics-driven movement that broadcasts the following crucial message: A significant portion of humanity is becoming actively engaged in building a world in which every life matters.

This message is necessary to halt and reverse the "common sense" that increasingly dominates our planet: look out for yourself no matter what the consequences for other people, animals or our environment.

Part of our goal is to cultivate a new sense of understanding about each individual's impact on and power to influence the world's social, economic and environmental systems - which affect all life on Earth.

Many people in the countries that control the most resources are unaware of all the effects of their common, everyday activities. In the United States, for example, few people realize that buying a single hamburger pays for the clearing of up to an estimated 55 square feet of rainforest to raise cattle - thereby killing the plants, animals, and sometimes the humans that lived there.

Individually and collectively, we have the power to transform the world by becoming conscious consumers and citizens, and by "being the change we wish to see in the world." See Values & Guiding Principles.

Real change requires increasingly massive public involvement and transformation which politicians, multi-national corporations, and the commercial media can no longer ignore. This means integrating our efforts and letting the public know about it in new and creative ways. (See Strategy and Programs.).

To achieve this, We, The World is beginning to connect innumerable pathways around the many formidable obstacles to creating a caring planet. You are one of these pathways!

Thank you for your commitment to building a better world.

Please join our email list to hear about events and announcements of interest. e-list@wetheworld.org

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How Will We Accomplish This?


To achieve mass public involvement We, The World is using a multi-faceted, internationally implemented strategy with two major components:

* Creating
global networks of collaboration between those working for peace, sustainability and transformation.
* Utilizing these networks in an ongoing series of highly publicized Public International Events to inspire, inform and involve large numbers of people in this work.

This integrated strategy is designed to more effectively advance the processes of personal and societal transformation that will allow people to live in harmony with each other and with the rest of nature.

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Collaborative Communications for a Caring World

Launched in February 2003, InterConnect is designed to integrate all of our communications resources and widely disseminate information about the events, actions and ideas of our member organizations, advisors and colleagues.

InterConnect has three components:


We are helping to create a wider audience and expand public support and participation in the activities of our growing member list of visionary thinkers, activists, authors, alternative media and organizations. And we are developing web and email systems to even more effectively disseminate the large amount of information we receive in the future.

Examples of events and actions that we widely informed people about include:

Connecting caring organizations globally so that
a breakthrough anywhere
can be a breakthrough everywhere!

Overview: This breakthrough model of collaboration and mutual support will allow 1,000s of socially conscious organizations and individuals to effectively work together to create a world where people live in harmony with each other and with the rest of nature. At a time when there is so much suffering in the world, and the obstacles to peace and sustainability are so great, the Global Resources Network (GRN) will provide the resources and interconnectivity to facilitate local, regional and international civil society education, collaboration and organizing.

The GRN will accelerate the formation of an international movement of concerned and informed people that generates political will and the enlightened consumer power needed to create a world that truly works for all!

Purpose: We seek to develop the Global Resources Network as a comprehensive, collaborative, worldwide civil society communication network with innovative web-based technological resources. We envision this as a tool to:

   1) significantly improve the effectiveness of civil society organizations and socially conscious businesses worldwide through active collaboration utilizing a global organizing matrix with highly-enhanced, inter-organizational communications capabilities, and

   2) organize large-scale Public International Events that engage, inform and involve a global audience. (See below)

To facilitate local, regional and international civil society collaborations and organizing,.the web-based GRN will feature a
Global Organizing Matrix:

For more details please go to
Global Resources Network.

"Stewarding Global Conversations" - Joe Firmage

This ongoing series is designed to establish a new global tradition of mass public involvement in the betterment of the world! Every few months (and eventually once a month!) there will be a time for worldwide public gatherings that many cities participate in simultaneously linked by satellite broadcasting. Each of these highly promoted Events in this series of global conversations will focus on a specific issue of planetary concern and will feature engaging activities (such as concerts) coordinated with targeted civic actions.

Together with our other programs these Events will provide an ever-growing number of people the opportunity for personal transformation by bringing meaning and purpose into their lives as they contribute to creating a world that works for all.

The series will utilize a continuing media campaign with talk show appearances by visionary thinkers, authors, and celebrities, public service ads and much more.

Event topics include:

Peace in the 21st Century - An Imperative for Survival
Making the Transition from Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy
Women and the Future of Humanity
Reconciliation and Understanding - Healing the Wounds that Divide Us

Each participating country's Primary Location Center will feature one or more of the following modes of public engagement:

* festivals

* concerts

* town meetings

* discussions and advertising on major media

* rallies

* conferences

* civic actions

* teach-ins

* media appearances

* arts presentations and performances

* celebrations

Key event objectives:

* To ignite public interest and involvement

* To generate mass support for organizations and coalitions whose practices are beneficial to the planet

* Increase pressure and action regarding current critical situations such as particular instances of social injustice, habitat/species destruction, unethical corporate or other institutional activities, upcoming institutional decisions that will affect many people's lives, negotiation breakdowns between clashing national or cultural groups, and so on

These large action-oriented events will help to dispel skepticism about each person's ability to actually make a difference.

We anticipate that our ongoing media exposure will substantially increase support for many existing efforts.As a result, many new people will become aware of the issues and how they are affected by them. They will begin to participate in our Event co-sponsors' local programs and activities.

Because it is built-in that these Events happen periodically, the problem of follow-up, where people run out of steam after an inspiring experience, is minimized.

We have launched the first of these Public International Events with
11 Days of Global Unity

Other Programs Include:

Co-Existence or No Existence

Declare your Interdependence September 12, 2005 as part of: 11 Days of Global Unity

In proclaiming Interdependence Day, we are acknowledging the evident - that we are all connected, and that when one thread in the web of life is sundered, all are diminished. Where equity and mutual respect prevail, all benefit. Interdependence is a reality, a gift, and a responsibility.

We, The World, with many other non-profit co-sponsors and sponsored by ManyOne.net, has launched Interdependence Day September 1st as the start of Culture of Peace month. By launching it at the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa, the work and spirit of civil society at the Summit can continue each year as an annual tradition of global celebration, information and action. Let us know if your organization(s) would like to Sponsor or Co-sponsor our Interdependence Day celebration 2005.

We celebrate the connections that inexorably relate all life and the supporting environment in an interrelatedness of sustenance and sustainability. We celebrate the animals, insects, birds, fish, trees, waters, air and earth, who dance with the humans in a network of interdependence. This is a day of profound recognition of our debt to each other and our joy in our connection.

"The world's children would sing to you had they a voice.
We must be their voice until we can return
their collective and individual voices to them."

- Paul Weingarten.

We, The World is collaborating with artist Paul Weingarten and art buyer John Krysko to raise money for the relief of children in danger around the world. We are connecting artists with the organizations and individuals who are steadfastly addressing the conditions that rob children of their innocence: hunger, poverty, disease, forced labor/slavery, refugee crises, forced military duty.

On December 10, 2002, in conjunction with the Interfaith Center of New York's Winter Festival, We, The World officially launched this program and raised funds to provide relief for children in Ghana!

Paul's vision: "Exhibitions of works will commence and patrons will buy not pictures but lives. The world's children are our children. We are their only hope."


Recognizing persistent pain as an indication of a deeper problem applies to whole countries as well as individuals. By listening to and acknowledging the pain of its members, a society can begin to heal itself. But only when the sources of the pain are eliminated will the wound disappear. For many societies, some sources of pain lie outside their country. This is why the process must be done on a global scale.

The International Truth and Reconciliation Hearings idea was inspired by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa (which in turn was influenced by programs begun in Latin America). People in South Africa who would normally have been imprisoned or executed were given amnesty in return for telling the truth about their actions during the apartheid era. Emotional outpourings were commonplace as victims and others also told their stories. Over time, many people on all sides began to understand, and to a certain extent feel closer to, one another.

Unlike South Africa, our Hearings will not be legal proceedings. Rather, they will be public forums for dialogue and understanding. The Hearings will allow members of historically clashing cultures to publicly tell their respective stories in a safe and supportive environment. UN/NGO supported, the Hearings will initially be focused on one country or region at a time, as long as no major conflict is currently taking place there. They will bring together representatives from cultures in that area as well as from those countries which had a colonial or other oppressive relationship with it.

The core values of We, The World such as compassion and inclusion will form an ever-present context within which history can be examined and stories can be told. History may reveal that it was primarily powerful individuals (rather than entire ethnic or religious groups) who were originally responsible for bringing cultures into conflict and initiating cycles of violence and retaliation. This could be new information for biased people who have assumed that it is the "innate characteristics" of most members of particular ethnic, religious or other groups (rather than distrust, insecurity and friction continuing from the original struggle) that causes conflict to persist.

By openly acknowledging the suffering that occurred, and its relationship to the current situation in a country, people from clashing cultures can begin to understand and empathize with each other. Of course, the participants, though from different backgrounds, would all be interested in achieving reconciliation as well as making the truth public. Angry militants who seek revenge and retaliation would not be involved except in very carefully controlled circumstances.

The Hearings will be televised on a regular basis and documentary films will be made of them. The TV and film production teams will as much as possible be composed of people from all sides of the particular clashing cultures or countries examined in each hearing.

The International Truth and Reconciliation Hearings will include and empower experts whose lives have been devoted to the relationship between the particular clashing cultures. Each one will become a forum to increase understanding, respect and connection and will derive the global support We, The World brings to all its programs.


Using teleconferencing, and translators if necessary, this program will allow communities from several countries to share information and to provide mutual support in order to address similar local issues, while in the context of global interconnectedness. These "Town Hall" style meetings will provide community leaders, students, religious groups, professional groups, arts groups and other citizens the opportunity to compare notes with their counterparts from other cultures.

Arts presentations, joint performances, collaborative projects and cultural exchanges will enhance this program and help build community and solidarity around the world.

Community Interchanges will primarily occur as part of the Public International Events, using each event's theme or issue as a basis for activities and discussion.


Developed by Michael Lerner and the Foundation for Ethics and Meaning, these reports will provide a means to measure the effects of particular corporations, industries, governments and other institutions. Reports will be based on the perspectives of all the stakeholders including: stockholders, employees, the communities affected, and consumers. By publicizing reports from regions around the world, using indexes similar to the Consumer Price Index, we can heighten the public's global consciousness and assess our progress toward having a world where each life matters.

(We, The World's Change Agent Network)

Mahatma Gandhi said "We must become the change we seek in the world." We, The World would like to connect those who are following his call. We are proposing the creation of a million+ member pool of social change agents networked together for the common good! This will be a major resource, supporting efforts of social activists around the world and helping to grow essential progressive social movements.

As is the case with organizations in the Global Resources Network, We CAN members will also benefit from and contribute to the Public International Events. Our goal is to generate massive support for specific important social causes as we globalize the transformative experience of connecting with others to improve the world!

We have received excited enthusiastic responses to this strategy by leaders of:
The Jane Goodall Institute, The Global Security Institute, the Club of Budapest, the Earth Charter Movement, the Center for Partnership Studies, the Global Peoples Assembly, the Waterside Support Center, the Gesundheit Institute, Jubilennium, the Center for Visionary Leadership, the Middle Powers Initiative, V-Day 2001 at Madison Square Garden, the Tribal Link Foundation, the Calvert Social Investment Fund, Women of Vision and Action, the Foundation for Ethics and Meaning, the War and Peace Foundation, the Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence, Pathways to Peace, United Youth International, the World Peace Prayer Society, The Interfaith Center of New York, the International Montessori Council, and many others.

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Values & Guiding Principles

Each individual's actions impact the world's social, economic and environmental systems, which in turn affect each of us. As long as suffering exists we are all diminished. The well-being of each person and each form of life is essential for the complete well-being of all of us.

We seek to reflect our goals and vision in all our actions. Ethics is our bottom line.

From personal to international relations, consistent nonviolence will establish and maintain the trust necessary for a peaceful world.

When we heal ourselves, society benefits.


Concern For the Entire Web of Life

Holistic Approaches to Problem Solving and Prevention



Collaboration Not Competition

Going Beyond Blame to Recognize Our Collective Responsibility

No Effort Is Too Small To Be Recognized For Its Importance

We strive to integrate these into our lives as much as possible.

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Meet The We, The World Team!


Rick Ulfik - Chair
(Founder, We, The World; Co-Chair, The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning; organizer, Gandhi-King Season For Nonviolence U.N. Events)
Barbara J. Hunter, Ph.D. - Vice Chair
(Diplomate, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress; writer; founder of the Arts Task Force of the Foundation for Ethics and Meaning)
Ina Bransome - Secretary
(New Parent Mentor, Doula; community organizer; writer)
Alan Schogel - Treasurer
(Energy Conservation Consultant; organizer for the Foundation for Ethics and Meaning)
Troy Lush - Board Member
(Principal Co-Coordinator, 11 Days of Global Unity; Music Producer, Recording and Performing Artist, and Songwriter)
Ruth Meitin Garbus - Board Member
(Co-Director, Center for Community Building and Dialogue; Former Director, New York Women of Vision and Action)


Diane Williams - UN Representative, Geneva, The Temple of Understanding; UN Rep., New York, Tribal Link Foundation


Arlan Berglas - Director of Global Development for We, The World
(Principal organizer, 10% For A Better World - A Global New Thought)

Teresa Hagen - Communications Coordinator for We, The World; Principal Co-Coordinator, 11 Days of Global Unity
(Editor/writer for University Publications and Public Affairs at California State University, Long Beach; former Communications Specialist for the College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology at Cal State L.A.; To Touch the Soul documentary film producer)

Matt Hart - Web Design Consultant for We, The World

Brian Lovato - Graphic Design Consultant for We, The World

Nancy Hawthorne - Project Coordinator for We, The World; Principal Co-Coordinator, 11 Days of Global Unity
(Former Director of Dovetail Coalition; planning and promotion of PlaNetwork: Networking a Sustainable Future; a principal organizer of the Student-UN Videoconference series of We, The World Building Peace and Sustainability in the 21st Century)

Susan Jameson - Principal Co-Coordinator, 11 Days of Global Unity
(Co- Founder of Transitioners; former Concert Director and Director of Public Relations for The National Music Foundation; a principal organizer of the Student-UN Videoconference series of We, The World Building Peace and Sustainability in the 21st Century)

Andrew Kaen - New York Event Coordinator for We, The World; Principal Co-Coordinator, 11 Days of Global Unity
(Founder of the Planet Heart Project; Photographer)

Troy Lush - Board Member of We, The World; Principal Co-Coordinator, 11 Days of Global Unity
(Music Producer; Recording and Performing Artist; Songwriter)

Laurence Singer - Web Design Consultant for We, The World

Al Smith - Webcast Distribution Coordinator for We, The World; Coordinator, 11 Days of Global Unity
(Founder of the Planet Heart Project; Photographer)

Rick Ulfik - Founder/Director of We, The World; Principal Co-Coordinator, 11 Days of Global Unity
(A principal organizer, 10% For A Better World - A Global New Thought; Co-Chair of the Foundation For Ethics and Meaning; Co-Producer of Visual Voices TV Show)


Daniel Ellsberg - Author, released the Pentagon Papers during the Viet Nam war
Alice Slater - Member of the Executive Committee of the Middle Powers Initiative for nuclear abolition, Lawyers Alliance for World Security (LAWS) and President of Global Resources Action Center for the Environment (GRACE)
Jonathan Granoff - President, Global Security Institute; UN Rep and VP of Lawyers Alliance for World Security, VP of NGO Cmte on Disarmament; Board member, Lawyers Cmte on Nuclear Policy, the Middle Powers Initiative; Co-Chair, American Bar Association Cmte on Arms Control; attorney; author
Molly Klopot - Chair, Womens International League for Peace and Freedom New York Metro; one of the Raging Grannies
Robert Alan Silverstein - Director, People For Peace; Co-Director, One Day In Peace
Anne Zanes - VP of Communications Coordination Committee of the UN; Representative of Peace Links; Co-Chair of the UN Human Rights Caucus
Ellen Raider - Co-Founder of The International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution
Selma Brackman - Executive Director, War & Peace Foundation

Dr. Jane Goodall DBE - Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace<
Jan Roberts - National Coordinator for Earth Charter Community Summits, USA; Founder and President of the Institute for Ethics and Meaning, Tampa Florida
Joel Kupferman - Executive Director of the New York Environmental Law and Justice Project
Virginia Sanchez - Founder, Seeds of Self-Reliance, fostering U.S.-Mexico partnerships in rural Mexican communities on endangered ecosystems
Earl James - Board member, Campaign for UN Reform, Development Director, New Mexico Environmental Law Center; President, USA for UNESCO
Robert Blake - Co-Founder, BeingKind Animal Sanctuary

Dr. Riane Eisler - Author, Chalice and the Blade, Co-founder and President, Center for Partnership Studies
Hazel Henderson - Author, Beyond Globalization; world renowned futurist, evolutionary economist, worldwide syndicated columnist, consultant on sustainable development, board member of Worldwatch Institute and the Calvert Social Investment Fund; the Calvert-Henderson Quality-of-Life Indicators have been used as an alternative to the GNP.
Tim Seldin - President, International Montessori Council; Chair, Montessori Foundation
Corinne McLaughlin - Co-founder of the Center for Visionary Leadership in Washington, D.C., and co-author of Spiritual Politics: Changing the World from the Inside Out
Rob Wheeler - Coordinator of the Global Peoples Assembly
Anne Hemenway - Coordinator of The National Committee for an Effective Congress, Program Consultant at The NY Open Center and an editorial committee member of LAPIS Magazine.
Terrence J. Mollner - Board of Trustees, Calvert Social Investment Fund
Kathia Castro Laszlo - Co-Executive Director, Syntony Quest, empowering evolutionary learning communities as vehicles to co-create sustainable futures
Barclay Palmer - Visionary Educator; Board Chair, Center for Partnership Studies
Dr. Delois Blakely - Community Mayor of Harlem; President of The New Future Foundation
Brian D'Agostino, Ph.D. - Research Associate, Center on Violence and Human Survival, CUNY; Humanities Preparatory Academy, New York City Board of Education
Bill Levis - Chief Financial Officer, Center for Partnership Studies

Dr. Ervin Laszlo - Founder of the Club of Budapest and the Planetary Ethics Alliance; noted author whose latest book is Macroshift
Robert Thurman - Co-Founder and President of Tibet House; renowned Buddhist Scholar, he is the first western Tibetan Buddhist monk
Gerry Eitner - Founder/President, The Masters Group; North American Peace Rep. for United Religions Initiative; Co-Founder, Global Mothers, U.S. Committee for Earth Charter
Paul Ray - Co-author of The Cultural Creatives
Deborah Moldow - Director, World Peace Prayer Society
The Very Reverend James Parks ("Dean") Morton - former Dean of St. John the Divine and current president of The Interfaith Center of New York
Ashok Gangadean - Co-Founder and Director, Global Dialogue Institute; Co-Convenor, World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality
Carol Gilio - Conflict Resolution Coordinator for all Queens High Schools, New York City
Rabbi Michael Feinberg - Executive Director, New York City Labor-Religion Coalition
Josette Allan - Former director, World Goodwill, USA
Mark LeVine, Ph.D. - Co-Founder of the Foundation For Ethics & Meaning, Contributing Editor, Tikkun Magazine and Asst. Professor of History, University of California, Irvine
Bonnie Locke - Philadelphia Coordinator, UN Gandhi-King Season For Nonviolence; founder, Peace Wave
Carol Hansen Grey - Executive Director of Women of Vision and Action.
Nazir Ahmad - President, GivingWorks (serving the non-profit and philanthropic communities)
Eleanor Wasson - Recipient of the Physicians for Social Responsibility Lifetime Achievement Award 2000; Executive Board Member, EarthSave International; Founder, International Association for Volunteer Effort; Member, Los Angeles Committee on the Status of Women

William Schulz - Executive Director of Amnesty International USA
Nana Osei Boakye Yiadom II (Apeadu) - Queenmother/chief of Aburi, Ghana. Her work involves assistance and advocacy for refugee women and children in Africa
Pamela Kraft - Founder of Tribal Link, an NGO that addresses indigenous peoples issues worldwide
Sally Fisher - Activist; author; producer of V-Day 2001 at Madison Square Garden; Founder of Intersect
Thom Hartmann - Author, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight and Unequal Protection: The Rise of Coporate Dominance and the theft of Human Rights
Angaangaq Lyberth - Elder - 4 Worlds International Elder's Council, Eskimo [Inuit]
Premilla Dixit - Coordinator, Womens International League for Peace and Freedom New York Metro Corporate Campaign
Charmaine Crockett - Human rights advocate and writer; Contributing Editor to Lapis Magazine
Audre-y - Co-founder and Chair, Achee which is creating the Achee Light Center in the West African Republic of Benin, and is supporting a school in Akim Anyinase village in Ghana
Valerie Gordon - 2001 Programme Coordinator, Regional Family Planning Initiative, Grenada; former Executive Officer, Grenada Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Patch Adams, MD - Executive Director, Gesundheit Institute
Gary Tomchuk - President, Awareness Marketing; Board Member, Ctr for Advancement in Cancer Education
Martha Crampton - Founder and Director, Canadian Institute of Psychosynthesis
Dr. Nitamo Montecucco - President, Villaggio Globale (Association for Science, Art and Consciousness); Professor, University of Milan Centro di Medicina Olistica e Psicosomatica
Don Schmall - Vice President, Consumers Health Freedom Coalition

Ben Quinto - Director of Global Youth Action Network
Joan Beisel - Director of United Youth International
Reverend Paul Mayer - Co-founder of the international youth leadership program Children of War
Tamara Weiss - New York Community Outreach Director, Youth Venture
Nina L. Meyerhof, Ed.D.- President, Children of the Earth, Inc.

Celeste Holm - Academy Award winning actress; Founder and President, Arts Horizons providing opportunities for youth in the arts
Lorin Hollander - Internationally acclaimed concert pianist and conductor; arts/community outreach advocate; youth mentor trainer; and lecturer on human consciousness and creativity, transpersonal psychology, transformational education and mentoring, spiritual and personal growth, and integral health.
Peter Gabel - Associate Editor, Tikkun Magazine, Director, The Institute for Spirituality and Politics, New College of California
Michael Gosney - Digital media pioneer; Founder, Digital Be-In; Director, Paradox Conference at Arcosanti
Gillian Wright - Chief executive, Global Vision Network, U.K.
Jack Urbont - Emmy Award composer, "Lorne Greene's New Wilderness"; Distributor, "Endangered Wildlife Collection" educational toys
Jody Gray - Music Producer, "Earth Voice"
Andrew Aaron - Production Coordinator, Arts and Media Task Force of The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning
Peter H. Rosen - founder; Visionary Artists Resources Including Other Unique Services (V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Media) and Creativity Cafe; a "New School for the Next Millennium"

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Creating Peace, Sustainability and Transformation

The Lifebridge Foundation, Sponsor

Mission: "The Lifebridge Foundation, Inc. was established in 1992 for the purpose of supporting organizations and individuals who, through cultural, education, and/or scientific means, are dedicated to creating bridges of understanding among all people by bringing to realization the concepts of one humanity and the interconnectedness of all life."

"We support groups and individuals whose innovative projects reflect these concepts; whose work exemplifies a global vision, demonstrates a spirit of inclusiveness, and fosters transformative action in a changing world."

We, The World is honored to have joined Lifebridge's distinguished family of grantees!

ManyOne, Sponsor of the Launch of INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002

Mission: to pioneer, build and run a unique system to enable our Partners and Members to use the Internet to its full, as-yet-unrealized potential. We are dedicated to creating a socially-responsible global information services organization, whose purpose is to advance the long-term well-being of humanity. We believe that every organization1s first responsibility is to the global community.

4 Worlds International Elder's Council, Organizational Associate, Co Sponsor: INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002

Aquarian Research Foundation (A Prophet-Making Organization), Active Affiliate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Achee Light Center, Active Affiliate, Co Sponsor: INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002

America Concern for Artistry Craftsmanship, Inc., Active Affiliate

Arts Horizon, Organizational Associate

Awareness Marketing, Organizational Associate

BeingKind Animal Sanctuary, Organizational Associate

Beloved Community Initiative, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor: INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002

Bioneers - Collective Heritage Institute, Active Affiliate

Calvert Social Investment Fund, Organizational Associate

Canadian Institute of Psychosynthesis, Organizational Associate

Center for Advancement of Cancer Education, Organizational Associate

Center for Partnership Studies, Active Affiliate

Center for Psychology and Social Change, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Center for Visionary Leadership, Organizational Associate

Children of the Earth, Inc., Organizational Associate

Children of War, Organizational Associate

Club of Budapest, Organizational Associate

Communications Coordination Committee of the United Nations, Organizational Associate

Consumers Health Freedom Coalition, Organizational Associate

Creativity Cafe, Organizational Associate

Digital Be-In, Organizational Associate

The Earth Charter Summits, USA, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Earthshare International, Organizational Associate

EcoDeposits® at Shorebank Pacific, Sponsor Partner of 11 Days of Global Unity

Education for Excellence, Active Affiliate

Flynn's, Active Affiliate

The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning, Co-Sponsor of INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002, and Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Friends of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Gesundheit Institute, Organizational Associate

GivingWorks, Organizational Associate

Global Constitution Forum, Inc., Active Affiliate

Global Dialogue Institute, Organizational Associate

Global Mothers, Organizational Associate

Global Family, Active Affiliate

Global Resources Action Center for the Environment (GRACE), Organizational Associate

Global Security Institute, Organizational Associate

Global Vision Network, U.K., Organizational Associate

The Global Youth Action Network, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002 and Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Goi Peace Foundation, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor: INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002

Civicus, Organizational Associate

Institute for Spirituality and Politics, Organizational Associate

The Interfaith Center of New York, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

International Simultaneous Policy Organization, Co-Sponsor: INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002

The International Montessori Council, Active Affiliate,

Intersect, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor: INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002

Jane Goodall Insitute for Wildlife Research, Organizational Associate

Jews Against Genocide, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Lapis Magazine, Organizational Associate

Lawyers Committee for Nuclear Policy, Organizational Associate

The Masters Group, Organizational Associate

Millennium Peoples Assembly Network/Global Peoples Assembly, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Music Therapists for Peace, Active Affiliate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

National Committe for an Effective Congress, Organizational Associate

New Future Foundation, Organizational Associate

New Mexico Environmental Law Center, Organizational Associate

New York City Labor-Relision Coalition, Organizational Associate

New York Enviornmental Law and Justice Project, Organizational Associate

New York Law School's Office for Public Interest and Community Service, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

New York Open Center, Organizational Associate

New York Tikkun Community, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor: INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002

One Day In Peace, Organizational Associate

Paradox Conference at Arcosanti, Organizational Associate

Partnership Way Center of Tucson, Active Affiliate

Pathfinders, Organizational Associate

Pathways to Peace, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Peace Links , Organizational Associate

Peace Wave, Organizational Associate

People for Peace, Organizational Associate

Planetary Ethics Alliance, Organizational Associate

St. Francis Xavier Church, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Scarsdale Synagogue, Active Affiliate

Seeds of Self-Reliance, Organizational Associate

Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Solidarity In Partnership for ONE World in Diversity, Active Affiliate, Co-Sponsor: INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002

Synergy Consulting Ltd., Active Affiliate

Syntony Quest, Organizational Associate

Tikkun Magazine, Organizational Associate

Tribal Link, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor: INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002 and Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Tibet House, Organizational Associate

The Unitarian Universalist Community Church of New York, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

United Nations Ghandi-King Season For Nonviolence, Organizational Associate

United Youth International, Organizational Associate

Villagio Globale (Association for Science, Art and Consciousness), Organizational Associate

Visionary Artists Resources Including Other Unique Services(VARIOUS Media), Organizational Associate

War and Peace Foundation, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor: INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002

War & Peace Foundation, Organizational Associate

The War Resisters League, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Women of Vision and Action (WOVA), Organizational Associate, Co Sponsor: INTERDEPENDENCE DAY September 1st, 2002 and Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom New York Metro, Organizational Associate

WomenRise, Active Affiliate

World Citizen Foundation, Active Affiliate

The World Civil Society Forum, Organizational Associate, Co-Sponsor of Peace in the 21st Century: An Imperative for Survival

World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality, Organizational Associate

World Goodwill, Organizational Associate

World Peace Prayer Society, Organizational Associate May Peace Prevail On Earth

Worldwatch Institute, Organizational Associate

Youth Venture, Organizational Associate

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Join our global Change Agent Network!

We do not accept contributions or support from corporations, or other organizations, unless their actions demonstrate a willingness to work for the welfare of life on our planet. Therefore, it is even more important that you add your voice to the growing chorus of those who are making this endeavor possible.

By becoming a Member or a Volunteer, you will make it possible to connect and empower the efforts of those who are working for: peace, environmental sustainability, a community spirit of caring and civic involvement, compassion, religious and spiritual fulfillment, reconciliation, nonviolence, ethical economic systems in all societies, and the well-being of all life on Earth.

By becoming a Financial Sponsor of our University-UN Videoconference Series, Building Peace and Security in the 21st Century, you will be helping to promote viable non-military approaches to ending terrorism, armed conflict and oppression.

Help strengthen and make more visible the reality of international collaboration and caring. The more we are able to raise public awareness about the important work being done around the world for peace and sustainability, the more We, The World can help break through the layers of cynicism that people have accumulated as a result of the "look-out-for-number-one" culture of competition, commercialism and consumption that is promoted and protected by powerful global institutions such as the World Trade Organization, NATO, and the International Monetary Fund.

With your support, humanity will begin to see indications that we are moving towards having a world based on conscious interdependence, caring, and harmony with our environment.


Basic 1-year Membership Includes:
  • Free Listing on our Website for Your Organization:
  • Free Link To Your Organization's Website:
  • Free First-Year Membership in the Global Resources Network
  • Inclusion in our information distribution network
  • Discounts on selected items and events

    We, The World is a non-profit organization with 501 (c)(3) status that links organizations and individuals globally to create a caring, just, sustainableworld.

    Individual Membership:


    Organization Membership:


    Your contribution is tax deductible! You may make an immediate secure credit card payment by pressing this button:

    (If you have any questions about your payment, you may contact PayPal at 888 221-1161)

    Or you may send a check or money order payable to We, The World in U.S. currency to the address below.
    THANk YOU!

    We, The World
    211 East 43rd St. Suite 710
    New York, NY 10017

    We, The World Production Center
    Phone: 212 867-0846
    Fax: 212 867-0844 (by appointment)

    For organizations, please send your mission statement, flyer or website address for review as part of the membership process. We realize that prospective members will not necessarily reflect all of our principles. We welcome members who work towards the vision of a world where every life matters.

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    Volunteer Opportunites

    Please contact us if you would like to volunteer: volunteers@wetheworld.org

    Internships and volunteering at We, The World provide wonderful opportunities for students and others to improve their skills in a variety of areas while working on projects that benefit local communities and our world.

    Areas of Responsibility:

    Resource Center: Organize information files and conference tape library, improve access to statistics and talking points regarding societal issues, provide information and materials to individuals and organizations, update databases

    Events and Calendar Listings: Compilation, proof reading, editing, layout in the computer, e-mail communication, mailing database handling

    Research: Read, summarize and archive information from conferences, organizations, foundations, newspapers, magazines, articles, books, and the Internet

    Office Management: Answer phones, organize files, archive information, assist in scheduling and coordinating meetings and events

    Other Responsibilities Include:
    Correspondence with Supporters
    Organize Meetings, Events
    Update Website
    Assist with Outreach, Brochure Production, Mailings etc.
    Administrative Work
    Coordinate Volunteers

    Skills Utilized and Enhanced: Communication skills/relating to others, many computer skills, understanding of politics and social issues, reading and writing skills, office management, organizational and many other skills.

    You do not have to volunteer in person to be part of our team! There are many ways that you can make a valuable contribution to our efforts from anywhere in the world!

    We are looking forward to the possibility of working with you!

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    By Rick Ulfik

    I would like to share with you my vision for our planet and what we can do together to achieve such a vision.

    I envision a world in which the actions of individuals, businesses, governments and other institutions reflect the reality of global interdependence in which the quality of life, that is, the well-being of each person and all life is essential to the well-being of all of us.

    I feel that on many levels each person is diminished when another life is suffering. For example, at first glance, the micro-organisms, plants, animals and people languishing near an area in Nigeria polluted by oil pipeline leaks may seem to have nothing to do with the life of a person living in the United States. However, such poverty and oppression is one of the root causes of conflict, instability and violence that result in military action. Regional hostility affects the world's military and economic relationships and contributes to the rationale behind keeping military spending so high. In America, such spending takes crucial resources away from public needs such as universal healthcare coverage and education which affects everyone.

    We, The World is dedicated to bringing about a new vision of a world where every life matters. In this world, societies are organized to cultivate holistic health of body, mind and spirit in which individuals look upon themselves and all other life with compassion, caring, cooperation and goodwill.

    As utopian and difficult to realize as this vision may appear, I believe it can be achieved if all or most of the following take place. We, The World is designed to foster development in each area:

    Essentials For Planetary Renewal

    The world's NGO's and other organizations with these ideals support one another in a concerted effort that is both highly visible and easily accessible to the general public. People recognize the collaboration as being beneficial to common interests Ð not just special interests.

    Independent, alternative, and eventually the most influential mainstream media allocate significant portions of time to the airing of positive, life-affirming images and situations depicting the lessening of suffering and injustice through healing and solidarity between peoples; nonviolence; idealism; the interdependence of and affinity between all forms of life; and our connections to the land, sea, air, sun, and the universe.

    A widespread public spirit of caring and concern awakens in societies around the world. People begin to understand that by increasing their civic involvement, they will be helping to reduce the pain in their own and others' lives. Millions of people regularly take part in and support local, regional, national, and international programs and events that contribute to the psychological, social, ecological, and spiritual healing of our planet.

    Many businesses and other institutions exist (private, public, worker-owned, for-profit, non-profit, from small businesses to large companies) each of whose primary purpose is to help create and maintain this kind of peaceful and fulfilling world. Their jobs, products and services allow millions of people to easily contribute to the social and ecological healing of our planet.

    Ongoing public programs of healing and reconciliation in each country help to resolve recent and longstanding conflicts between clashing cultures both within countries and across national borders.

    Periodic detailed assessments of progress toward the world we are envisioning are widely publicized. Individuals, communities, governments and other groups can then channel their resources and support in informed and effective ways.

    We, The World arises from the belief that translating the above ideas into reality demands the creation of a truly worldwide ethics-driven movement. Such a globally coordinated effort is needed to effectively engage people in collective nonviolent compassionate action to create the caring world that is everyone's birthright. A global effort is needed to address problems such as poverty, violence, and ecological damage which are perpetuated by systems and practices that transcend national borders and cultural ideologies.

    We already have one important component of an effective world movement Ð the caring millions of specific-issue groups, coalitions and individuals who have substantial expertise, commitment and experience in their particular areas. However, they often operate with little support or recognition. We, The World seeks to strengthen such efforts by bringing them into each other's awareness and the awareness of the general public.

    We are receiving positive responses in discussing this strategy with representatives from the following global initiatives that already understand how intergroup cooperation can expand and enrich the work of all: The Hague Appeal For Peace, The Earth Charter, the Global Peoples Assembly, The Parliament of the World's Religions, The International Forum on Globalization, The State of the World Forum, The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning, the War and Peace Foundation, the World Movement for Nonviolence, Pathways to Peace, United Youth International, the World Peace Prayer Society and many others.

    We, The World is designed to weave together these and other currently disparate efforts into a recognizable global network based on a compassionate, nonviolent, and all-inclusive vision.

    We, The World will bring together and promote those involved with: community interests; human rights; ecology and animal concerns; challenging current practices of economic globalization; promoting social responsibility; promoting holistic health, spiritual renewal, and other meaning needs; encouraging nonviolence; exploring ways to sustain peace; and many other areas concerning the interests of people and other life around the world (hence the name "We, The World").

    Each group's special emphasis and expertise will be enhanced by being part of a highly visible worldwide movement that cultivates the constructive and healthy relations that lead to lasting peace.


    Our initial endeavor is in the area of international collective action. We anticipate that publicity and activities surrounding our Public International Events will help to generate a "critical mass" of support around the world large enough to sustain movement towards a new era of planetary consciousness and conscience!

    Public International Events We will start a new global tradition to foster public awareness and involvement in the betterment of the world. Every few months (and eventually once a month!) there will be a day for global public concerts, rallies, conferences, media appearances, and celebrations until our world is free from violence, suffering, and oppression! Discussions and advertising on major media will bring each month's subject area to the public's attention. During each event, special toll-free action hotline numbers and email list-serves will be routed to the appropriate corporations and other institutions' offices, so that people (from around the world!) can comment about that month's particular issue.

    Other programs of WE, THE WORLD include:

    The International Truth and Reconciliation Hearings By listening to and acknowledging the pain of their citizens, our world's societies can begin to heal themselves. Inspired by the South African Truth & Reconciliation Commission, the Hearings will be UN/NGO supported and will initially be focused on one country or region at a time (where there is no major conflict taking place). Cultures in that area as well as other countries which had a colonial or other oppressive relationship with it will be represented. The historical context within which the stories will be told may reveal that it was largely individual rulers' drives for wealth or power (rather than entire ethnic or religious groups) that brought cultures into conflict, initiating cycles of violence, retaliation, distrust and hatred. These ongoing hearings will become a public forum to increase understanding and will derive the global support We, The World brings to all its programs.

    World Communities Interchange This program will bring communities together within and between countries to share information and support regarding local issues in a context of global interconnectedness. Frequent arts and cultural exchanges will also enable this program to help build community and solidarity around the world. Community Interchanges will primarily occur as an integral part of the Monthly International Events.

    Ethical Impact Reports The actions of corporations, governments and other institutions set the tone and the norms for our workplaces and our societies. Developed by Michael Lerner and the Foundation for Ethics and Meaning, these Reports will provide a means to measure what effects our major institutions are having on us, based on the perspectives of each stakeholder group represented. For example, if a large company is being examined, the groups might consist of: the stockholders/owners, the employees, the community/communities it affects, the consumers of its product or service, and so on. One way to use the Reports might be to decide which of 10 otherwise equally qualified companies has the best record of social responsibility and therefore will get a particular government contract. By merging and publicizing Report information from regions around the world, using an "index" similar to Stock Indexes, we can heighten the public's global consciousness and reinforce the recognition of We, The World as being impartially concerned with the well-being of everyone on the planet.


    Why not a more narrow focus? Our intent is to put much more emphasis on working at the level of causation. We, The World grew out of the realization that most specific issue groups lack the resources to end and prevent re-occurrences of the problems they are concerned about. While performing important functions like helping to raise awareness and relieving pain, these groups usually can not address the global and historic reasons for problems like poverty or ecological damage, and they can not adequately address the lack of collective action necessary to effectively eliminate these problems. The issues may be extremely complicated, yet if hardly anyone develops expertise at this level of complexity, and no one incorporates that scope into their organizing efforts, we will probably continue to have poor or mixed results and never realize our vision for a peaceful world. We, The World is committed to bringing global support and expertise to some of these seemingly intractable problems.

    While some people are most fulfilled and productive when they contribute to society in a "direct" way such as by volunteering at a soup kitchen, or running an anti-violence youth program, others, like many of us at We, The World, prefer to work with and bring together numerous social concerns organizations and individuals for the purposes of achieving greater and more lasting results Ð even if it requires additional effort, takes longer, and is less immediately "direct." Both styles of service are necessary in an effective global movement to create a caring world.

    What can you do? Financial support and volunteering are crucial at this early stage. We are also seeking individual and organization endorsements from those who are well-known or not-yet-well-known to the public. Please contact me at
    rickulfik@wetheworld.org about any of these possibilities.

    We, The World will fulfill the hopes and dreams of the many groups and individuals who see an organized well-publicized world movement toward healing and peace as the means to end the suffering that plagues our planet.

    I hope that I have ignited something in you and that we can work together to bring about our vision of a truly peaceful and fulfilling world.

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    Soon to come: The Global Resources Network. Please check back here to see updates. Meanwhile, click here for The Foundation For Ethics And Meaning where you'll learn about programs which are already helping to realize the vision of We, The World, including the historic conference "Re-Imagining Politics and Society at the Millennium: Creating a Just, Caring, and Sustainable World," which took place May 18-21, 2000 in New York City.

    Also, please click here to connect to The War And Peace Foundation to learn about peace efforts world wide. There you can hear excerpts from our Teach-In/Speak-Out Peace In The 21st Century: An Imperative For Survival that took place October 8, 2001 in New York City.

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    Essay by the Founder about We, The World

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